Our Story:
Designfy is an Egyptian startup that believes in your success, acknowledges your potentialities and strives to concretize your dreams into a palatable reality. Behind this staunch belief in every business owner and ambitious dreamer lurks two talented and accomplished entrepreneurs: Mahmoud El Awammy and Mahmoud El Moghazy.. Clinging to their faith in a better technological experience for businesses from all walks of verticals and industries, they launched Designfy in 2013. They wanted to put their accumulated expertise, hands-on experience and inquisitive nature in use for various businesses of all sizes.
Since day one, Designfy was built as one-stop web and mobile app development company. We conceive web experience as a holistic one thus we pay great attention to every detail ranging from website or mobile app development and web hosting to UX/UI design and SEO optimization. At the heart of Designfy lies a dedicated team web and mobile app development experts, UI/UX designers, social media specialists, and SEO analysts and experts. Designfy team provides innovative and comprehensive cloud-based software solutions including e-commerce, m-commerce, industry-specific solutions for travel agency and tourism and social media network solutions.
Our Timeline:
- 2013: Mahmoud Elawwamy and Mahmoud El-Moghazy concretized their idea and gave birth to Designfy.
- 2014: Using cloud-based solutions we took our expertise to the next level by launching our education software Schoolarity and social media network Go Catch
- 2015: We hit our first milestone: 75+ web and mobile app projects with only 10 young professionals in our team.
- 2016: Our projects reached many countries all over the world and set up its presence in Canada, USA, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.
- 2018: Our clients multiplied in significant growth and thus our team members expanded to 25+ web and mobile app developers, UI/UX designers, SEO experts, and Social Media Marketers.